Radical Webs South Florida Business Directory
The following links represent individuals and entities in which Radical Webs Inc. has confidence. However, Radical Webs Inc is not associated with any such links and assumes no liability for any services or products provided by such links. You are cautioned to investigate all such links to satisfy yourself that such links are able to meet your business needs.
Advertising Specialties
Atlas Embroidery & Screen Printing
2300 SW 34th St
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33312
Phone: 954-922-2242
Air Conditioning Contractors
Cusano Air Conditioning & Heating Inc
4153 SW 47th Ave, Suite 150-152
Davie, Florida 33314
Phone: 954-472-8002
Website: https://www.cusanoairconditioning.com/
Attorney – Elder Law
Stephanie L. Schneider, PA.
Board Certified Elder Law Attorney
1776 N. Pine Island Rd, Suite 208
Plantation, FL 33322
Phone: 954-382-1997
Website: https://www.fl-elderlaw.com/
Attorney – Immigration
My Dream Legal
Contact: Neil Dhawan
304 Indian Trace #449
Weston, FL 33326
Phone: 954-574-2111
Website: https://mydreamlegal.com/
Attorney – Intellectual Property
Concept Law Group
6400 North Andrews Avenue, Suite 500
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309
Phone: 754-300-1500
Attorney - Personal Injury Attorney South Florida
Greenspoon Marder LLP
Contact: Marc Schwartz
200 East Broward Boulevard, Suite 1800
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
Phone: 954-343-6985
Law Office of Valerie A. Conzo, P.A.
Contact: Valerie A. Conzo, Esq.
101 NE Third Avenue Suite 1250
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Phone: 954-372-8255
Attorney - Wills and Trusts
Hochsztein and Harrison-Jolly, P.A.
Contact: Fred Hochsztein
3475 Sheridan Street Suite 209
Hollywood, FL
Phone: 954-925-0833
Shupe Legal
Contact: Michelle Shupe-Abbas
200 SE 6th Street – Suite 601
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301
Phone: (954) 507-7220
Website: https://www.shupedhawan.com/
Business Brokers - South Florida
Business Planning Advisors, Inc.
277 Royal Poinciana Way
Suite 212
Palm Beach, FL 33480
Phone: 772-285-0459
Website: https://floridabusinessbroker.com/
Tri-County Chiropractic Rehab Center
Dr. Christopher G. Rudolph
3122 University Drive
Miramar, Florida 33025
Phone: 954-499-7003
Collision Repair Specialist
KLS Auto Body
Kurt Schliessman
1962 Tigertail Blvd.
Dania, FL 33004
Phone: 954-889-0142
Mark Blum, D.D.S
Cosmetic Dentistry, Implants & Orthodontics
7800 W. Oakland Park Blvd.,
Suite 301 - Building B, Belle Terre of Sunrise,
Sunrise, Florida 33351
Phone: 954-748-3448
Website: https://www.markblumdds.com/
Electrical Contractors
Perfect Electric Services, Inc.
4799 NE 11th Ave
Oakland Park, Florida 33334
Tel: 954-772-7049
Website: https://www.perfectelectricrepairs.com
Flooring Contractors
Daniel Flooring
Daniel Russell
3 S State Rd 7 #115
Davie, FL 33314
Phone: 954-583-2233
Website: https://www.danielflooring.com/
Flooring Surface Coatings
Acry-Tech Coatings
7241 Haverhill Business Pkwy Suite #108
Riviera Beach, FL 33407
Local: (561) 841-2890
Website: https://www.acrytech.com
National Sealing
Kenny Kline
2269 South University Drive Suite 314
Davie, Florida, 33324
Phone: 954-577-8837
Website: https://www.nationalsealing.com/
General Contractors
Sentinel General Contracting
Contact: Rick Bambino
21011 Johnson Street, Suite 108
Pembroke Pines, FL 33029
Phone: 954-342-9987
Website: https://www.sentinelgeneralcontracting.com/
IT Support - Computers and Networks
Quantic Networking
Jim Parker
757 SE 17th St., #101
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316
Phone: 954-610-8448
Email: info@quantic.net
Website: https://quanticnetworking.com/
LeTip Business Networking Opportunity
Letip East Broward
Meeting every Friday @ 7.00am at
Holiday Inn Fort Lauderdale
2905 Sheridan St,
Hollywood, FL 33020
Call: 954-558-6537 for more details
Website: https://www.letipeastbroward.com/
Liquor License Financing
Provantage Group, LLC
15310 Amberly Drive, Suite 180
Tampa, Florida 33647
Phone: 813-374-9287
Website: https://www.provantagegroup.com/
Martial Arts
Vagner Rocha Martial Arts
Vagner Rocha
6592 Taft St,
Hollywood, FL 33024
Phone: 954-432-8788
G3 America TaeKwonDo Margate
Lucas Rodrigues
6852 W Atlantic Blvd,
Margate, FL 33063
Phone: (954) 971-5233
Website: https://g3americataekwondo.com/
Painting Contractor
Artistic Finishes, Inc.
Ryan Roll
Coconut Creek, FL 33066
Phone: 954-540-5575
Website: https://www.artisticfinishesflorida.com/
Fine Line Printing
Contact: Marty Sachs
2031 SW 70th Ave C-7
Davie, FL 33317
Phone: 954-258-4193
Website: https://www.finelinemarketingsolutions.com/
Public Insurance Adjusters
Advocate Claim Service, Inc.
Stephen Venook
Tel: 954-978-0886
Website: https://www.advocateclaims.com
Real Estate South Florida - Residential
Richard Masterson - Realtor
401 East Las Olas Blvd, Suite 100,
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
Phone: 954-563-8753
Website: https://richardmasterson.onesothebysrealty.com/
Robert P. Gargano & Associates Realtors
800 E. Broward Blvd., Suite 101
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301
Phone: 954-462-5770
Website: https://www.garganorealty.com/
Window Tinting
Light and Bright Window Tinting
Contact: Donnie Greenberg
Phone: 954-829-4844
Website: https://www.lightandbrighttinting.com/
Weight Loss
Off Weight Loss Solutions
4522 N Federal Hwy
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
Phone: 954-287 3385
Website: https://offweightloss.com/